btrettel's Nerf blog

random thoughts about the ballistics of foam darts

Banding rubber bladders

Posted by btrettel on January 30, 2011

When a Nerfer wants to increase the pressure of a bladder, they generally turn to “banding,” the layering of rubber bands on the bladder. I came into this hobby from the similar water gun hobby, and I’ve often wondered why this method is so prevalent in Nerf but not water guns.

It’s not that layering rubber bands doesn’t work. I’m sure it works fine. It’s that layering rubber bands is surely far more difficult than the alternatives that will work even better. In water guns people generally layer bike tubes over bladders to increase the pressure. This is not a new idea—it probably originated in 2000 or 2001. (Water gunners generally call this modification “Colossus” as that’s what it’s traditionally called. See SSC for more information.)

When I asked about this on #nerfchat, the only salient point I heard was that kids are more likely to find rubber bands than bike tubes. I’d like to contest that point. Old bike tubes are not difficult to come by. My father had a ton of them that he kept for various odd projects. Many bike shops give them away for free. Consider the number of tubes needed too. One or two 26 inch bike tires should be more than enough to increase the pressure of a bladder substantially. But to get a similar amount of rubber over a bladder with rubber bands would require tens, maybe even hundreds, of rubber bands. How many rubber bands are people likely to have at home?

Additionally, I previously mentioned that banding is more difficult and time consuming than using bike tubes. Bike tubes generally can be rolled up and slid on a bladder quite rapidly unless one has many layers on the bladder (at which point the modifier should probably stop anyway). Banding requires a lot more effort and time, especially if one wants to ensure that the rubber bands are applied evenly over the bladder so that one part does not inflate while the remainder does not.

I hope my point is clear: Banding should be avoided as layering bike tubes is far easier. Why bike tubes are so foreign to Nerfers but well known to water gun people is not completely clear, but I suspect tradition and a lack of creativity from most people in the hobby has a lot to do with it.

Of course, there are other alternatives as well. Someone could layer latex tubing over the bladder or simply use latex tubing as a bladder. Someone could use a homemade hard pressure vessel with a regulator. There are many options.

2 Responses to “Banding rubber bladders”

  1. C-A_99 said

    Rubber banding any sort of pressure bladder is just an awful idea overall and should simply never be done, end of story.

    Aside from bike tubes and LRT, I’m sure lengthy balloons (often used to create figures, or perhaps usable as handcuffs for prisoners in water wars, haha) also work just fine for Nerf air bladders. Of course, it hasn’t been tried yet (which I ought to try myself; it would be an excellent colossus/CPH method), but I see no reason why it wouldn’t work less than how well the K-mod works.

    For homemades, cylinderical bladders can be substituted for spherical bladders made from stacked helium balloons as well. This goes for both Nerf and water blasters.

  2. btrettel said

    Thanks for the comment.

    We don’t see any homemade bladders made from balloons either, which is odd. Unfortunately, due to my past opinions about this approach, we don’t see this too often in the water gun world either, but at least we see it with some frequency.

    The thinner balloons are good options too. I believe they were suggested before on SSC. (Perhaps you suggested it? I can’t remember and don’t have time to track it down.)

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