This page refers to what originally was called FANG but now is simply referred to as prototype one towards FANG.
The FANG is a semi-reliable semi-automatic Nerf blaster. The basic cycle works, however, the bolt did not always reliably return. The blaster was being revised when I left for college in late January 2009. I anticipate that I'll finish it during spring break.
A second blaster called FANG 2 is in the planning stages at the moment. The concept is to use a rotating turret somewhat like Eclipse. The blaster will be optimized for shots per tank with BAGS, making it probably the most engineered Nerf blaster yet once it's built.
©2007 - 2010 Ben Trettel
Last modified on 2009-08-03 13:05:50.
Hello again,
You mentioned a while back the mag spring used in this gun was a "constant force" spring. I'm aware that McMaster carries these and I was curious which part # you bought.
I'm playing aroud with ideas for mag springs and a constant force spring might be appropriate for my setup, though I'd need one capable of applying a pretty significant force so that my ejection system works properly.
Posted by on 2010-05-20 22:41:59