Posted on 2009-03-07 11:45:37

Filed under fang2

With my 3D CAD models complete, I'm finally going ahead with fused deposition modeling. I was given a quote cost at $40 to $45, which demonstrates that this method isn't particularly cheap, but factoring in the machine time I'd spend to make comparable parts with manual machining, it's probably worthwhile.

From what I know, the PIRLS lab where these parts will be made can take about a week before the parts are done. The parts are first made, and from what I know they are made solid, with holes/overhangs being filled with something different. Later any overhangs/holes are eliminated with some sort of chemical bath. This'll obviously take time and I won't be involved because I know nothing about the process, so I don't expect anything soon.

My timing is fairly good too--with spring break coming up I'll have a good amount of time to finalize and test the blaster.