Posted on 2009-02-24 16:41:31
Filed under fang2I finally got a little bit of information about the rapid prototyping facilities here at the University of Maryland. FDM isn't particularly cheap at $15 per cubic inch, but it is the most convenient prototyping method. As I've been doing the math and considering what is essential and what is not, I'm reducing the total volume fairly substantially.
Because of the high price I asked about using the CNC mill there but I was told it'd likely be more expensive in the end. Nonetheless, I'll investigate it.
Updated CAD models of the parts to be built are being made at the moment. Pro/Engineer has had some difficulty making my tightened turret pieces for some reason--it won't like me extrude the sketch when the thickness of some geometry is greater than about 3/32"--but I'll figure something out. Most likely I'll use thinner pieces than that.
©2007 - 2010 Ben Trettel
Last modified on 2009-02-24 16:41:31.