Posted on 2009-02-12 10:18:44
Filed under fang2After some more thought I've decided to make the "FANG 2 beta" that I crossed off the list on the FANG 2 page. The primary reason for this is that I'd like to investigate how well a blaster with an automatic air system but a manually advanced turret would work.
There actually are a few reasons to justify specifically not having a semi-automatic operation but having one that's close and essentially indistinguishable. The most obvious reason is that such a system is simple and easier to fabricate. Another obvious reason is reliability--with less moving parts less things usually will go wrong. Also, less parts involve less cost. The last reason (and the only I'm interested in) is efficiency. Technically speaking, adding an air cylinder should decrease efficiency anywhere from a negligible amount to a somewhat substantial amount, and figuring out exactly how much it affects efficiency would be difficult, so it might be a good idea to at least have a basis of comparison.
I've put in a McMaster-Carr order and am waiting for a regulator to come in from eBay, so I should be able to fabricate this relatively soon. I'll first need to figure out CAD well enough to make the simple pieces I'll want, and then I'll have to figure out how the use the FDM equipment at my university, but I don't anticipate either will be beyond my capabilities.
©2007 - 2010 Ben Trettel
Last modified on 2009-02-12 10:18:44.